Amy Herr NIH New Innovator

September 30, 2010

Bioengineering Assistant Professor Amy Herr has been awarded a 2010 NIH Director’s New Innovator Award!
This five-year, $1.5 million grant is the largest and most prestigious grant awarded to junior investigators by the NIH, designed to enable recipients to pursue exceptionally innovative approaches that could transform biomedical and behavioral science. Herr was recognized for her project, “Towards High Throughput Proteomics: A Micro/nanofluidic Framework for Blotless Western Technology.” This research will streamline and expedite Western blot analysis, the lab standard for protein analysis, using a new concept for integrated micro and nanotechnology. Herr received one of only 51 awards granted nationwide this year.

Read more at the UC Berkeley NewsCenter.

Congratulations Amy!