Research Associate, Early Stage Development, Kite Pharma
Master of Engineering, Bioengineering, 2015
Current job description:
As a research associate at Kite Pharma, I perform process development to design, establish, and transfer cell therapy processes to support early phase clinical trials. I design and execute process development studies to develop a understanding of operating and performance parameters, and apply bioengineering principles and statistical models to develop robust platform processes.
What makes you good at your job?
A good understanding of bioengineering principles, ability to perform statistical analysis, an analytical mind and my passion for contributing to find a cure for cancer.
What skills did you learn during your time in the BioE program that made you a success in your career?
As a graduate student at Berkeley , I gained deep understanding of bioengineering principles and processes, and got the opportunity to use statistical models to unravel the intricacies of biological processes. The exposure to both bioengineering principles and to statistical analysis helped me hone my analytical mind. The course and laboratory work at Berkeley helped me not only to grasp the principles but also allowed me to apply those in real life applications. I believe that the culture in Berkeley to encourage analytical thinking was crucial to my success both as student and in the industry.