June 21-23, 2012
Check out the event photos
See you next year in San Diego!
UC Berkeley is proud to host the 13th annual UC Systemwide Bioengineering Symposium, June 21-23, 2012. The symposium provides a forum for collaboration and networking among bioengineering faculty, students and researchers at the ten University of California campuses.
Featuring six research tracks with special guest speakers:
Molecular, Cell and Tissue Engineering
Professors Karen Christman and Zev GartnerBiomaterials / Drug Delivery
Professors Sarah Heilshorn and Andrea Kasko
Biomechanics / Mechanobiology
Professors Adam Engler and Robert RitchieImaging
Professors Kathy Ferrara and Shreyas VasanawalaBioMEMS / Instrumentation
Professors Abe Lee and Alex RevzinSynthetic Biology / Systems Biology / Computational Biology / Genomics
Professors Patsy Babbitt and Jeff Hasty