Prepare for accelerated careers in the biotech industry with our 9-month Master of Engineering in Bioengineering
Combining engineering coursework with classes in leadership and management, the MEng develops professional engineers who understand the technical, economic, and social issues of applied science and engineering. Students tackle actual industry challenges through case studies and an intensive capstone project.
Integrating Technical and Leadership Training
- Small classes taught by top Berkeley Engineering faculty and industry experts
- Solve real-world challenges through capstone projects with faculty and organizational partners
- Learn practical business and management skills through specialized courses
- Two intensive bootcamps build leadership experience
- Access specialized career services
- Join an extensive network of Berkeley alumni and collaborators

Current Cohort Profile
News About: The Master of Engineering
BioE team wins 2024 Fung Institute Capstone Innovation Award
The Master of Engineering capstone design team advised by bioengineering faculty Kevin Healy and Syed Hossainy has won the 2024 Capstone Innovation Award. The team of Angana Dasgupta, Isabella Lopez, Natalie Saadeh, and Boyan Yin was selected for their project, “Experimental assessment of multiple cell lines’ function and morphology on…
Bioengineer Andy Yau takes first place in Collider Cup!
BioE MEng student Andy Yau and his teammates in the AltMeat: Product Design of Plant-Based Foods course took first place at Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology’s (SCET) Collider Cup XII, its competitive venture showcase for promising student venture projects. The Uncracked team designed a plant-based crab alternative that is more tasty and nutritious than current alternatives, low in sodium and high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids.
Student spotlight: Priyanshi Porwal
On developing medical devices and healthcare with her background in mechanical and biomedical engineering.
Student spotlight: Brontë Kolar, MEng ’23
On entrepreneurship, learning by doing, and leaving the world healthier than you found it.
Humans of Fung: Sophia Sneddon, MEng ’22
Sophia Sneddon is a current Berkeley MEng candidate studying Bioengineering. Here, she shares her aspirations to become an attorney, her passion for inclusivity, and her love for biking.
2021 Mastercard Foundation Scholarship Recipient: Cecil Chikezie
Cecil Chikezie, current Master of Engineering student in BioE, received a 2021 Mastercard Foundation Scholarship, which supports future leaders in Africa. In this article, MEng student and scholarship recipient, Cecil Chikezie, speaks about what it means to be a MasterCard Foundation Scholar and his long term bio-engineering goals of supporting the financial stability and respiratory health of Kenyan communities.
Project Profile: Evaluation of Novel, Less-Invasive Hip Implants
BioE and Materials Science MEng capstone students used Finite Element Analysis to determine if less-invasive hip implants will be superior in reducing stress shielding and preventing unnecessary bone loss while maintaining functionality.
Feature: Ricardo Juarez Martinez, MEng ’21
Ricardo Juarez Martinez, current MEng candidate studying Bioengineering with a focus on Biomaterials and Medical Device Design, shares his vision for innovation and inclusivity in the medical device space.
Diego Espinoza wins the Fung Institute Mission Award
Congratulations to BioE MEng student Diego Espinoza, winner of the 2021 Fung Institute Mission Award for his capstone project, “MEDiRoller: Revolutionizing Low-Cost Vaccine and Drug Delivery in Low-Resource Communities.” The award goes to the team best exemplifying the mission of the institute: Creating inclusive leaders who solve the world’s problems through innovation, technology, and collaboration across boundaries.
Omokhowa Agbojo wins Technical Leadership Capstone Award
Congratulations to BioE MEng student Omokhowa Agbojo who received the 2021 Fung Institute Technical Leadership Capstone Award for his project, “Harnessing Life Cycle Assessment as a Decision-Making Tool for Environmentally Conscious Design of Cell Therapy Manufacturing Processes.”