Thinking of a Berkeley Bioengineering Degree?

Bioengineering applies the tools of engineering to biological systems. Examples of bioengineering include bacteria engineered to produce chemicals, new medical imaging technologies, ultra-portable diagnostic devices, tissue-engineered organs, and so much more.

Students are trained in the fundamentals of engineering and science, which may include elements of electrical and mechanical engineering, computer science, materials science, chemistry and biology. This broad foundation allows bioengineers to specialize in their areas of interest and collaborate widely with researchers in related fields.

photo of male and female undergraduate walking to commencement in cap and gown

Learn more about the
Bachelor of Science

photo of MEng student holding Bioengineering banner at commencement

Learn more about the
Master of Engineering

photo of MTM graduate speaking at commencement

Learn more about the
Master of Translational Medicine

photo of female student being hooded at commencement

Learn more about the
Doctoral Program

Why Berkeley BioE?

  • Our faculty are at the top of their fields, conducting cutting-edge research in a range of specialty areas.
  • Bioengineers pursue impact, seeking to improve life across the globe (and beyond) through innovations in health and the environment.
  • Training students in the research enterprise is a top priority, and students from undergraduates through postdoctoral scholars are key members of every working laboratory.
  • Our degree programs provide a strong foundation in engineering and the biological sciences, with the freedom to specialize in advanced areas of research.
  • We intentionally cultivate a dynamic and diverse community through events, seminars, collaborative projects, active student groups and abundant communication.
  • The department and partner groups offer year-round opportunities for career development and contact with industry.
  • Bioengineers are passionate and engaged in the larger world. We value collaboration above competition.

Why Cal?

UC Berkeley, the #1 public university in the world, offers an incredible abundance of opportunities:

  • top faculty,
  • state-of-the-art research facilities,
  • an environment of passionate commitment and stimulating discussion,
  • a vibrant and diverse culture
  • a wealth of student-led activities,
  • tons of ways to be involved in the campus and local communities,
  • a large and active alumni network,
  • and a chance to root for the Cal Bears.

photo of Oski Bear giving the #1 finger sign in the stands at a stadium

What do I do with a degree in Bioengineering?

At all levels, bioengineering is an inherently interdisciplinary field, with room for students to specialize in their field of choice. Our students are known for their versatility and ability to adapt to new requirements and situations.