The Department of Bioengineering is led by a Department Chair, with four Vice Chairs who run the major standing committees. All work in partnership with the department’s administrative manager.
Department Chair: Phillip MessersmithPhillip Messersmith
Vice Chair of Curriculum & Undergraduate Program: Aaron Streets
Vice Chair of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging: Chris Anderson
Vice Chair of the Masters Programs: Dorian Liepmann
Vice Chair of the PhD Program: Ian Holmes
Special Advisor for Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Amy Herr
Department Manager: Janna Conway-Hamilton
Collectively, the Chairs and the Department Manager form the Steering Committee, which meets every two weeks. Faculty, joint faculty, adjunct faculty, staff, and lecturers are invited to attend the Department Meetings held twice each month, which begin with a faculty research talk and end with a discussion of department business.