Session 1

Presenters – Link to Session 1 Abstracts
Biomechanics / Mechanobiology – ImagingMolecular, Cell & Tissue Engineering

Biomechanics / Mechanobiology

Featured Speaker:

Biological Degradation of the Hierarchical Structure and Fracture Properties of Human Bone with Aging and Disease
Robert O. Ritchie
Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, UC Berkeley

Selected Speakers:

Using Active Microrheology to Map Matrix Mechanics in 3D
Abhishek Kurup
, UC Irvine

Analysis of the kymographs of the traction stresses reveals two distinct motility modes in amoeboid cell locomotion.
Effie Bastounis
, UC San Diego

Orthogonal regulation of tumor cell migration by matrix stiffness and confinement
Amit Pathak, Sanjay Kumar
, UC Berkeley

The orientation of both cytoskeletal filaments and maximum compliance of the cytoplasm of Vascular
Endothelial Cells are correlated.                

Kathryn Osterday,
UC San Diego

Changes in cell motility are accompanied by altered nano-scale architecture and dynamics of focal adhesion signaling complexes
Matthew Rubashkin,
UC San Francisco

Deformability Cytometry: Leukocyte Mechanical Phenotyping
Daniel R. Gossett, UC Los Angeles


Featured Speaker:

Image-guided nanodelivery
Katherine Ferrara,
Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, UC Davis

Selected Speakers:

High Resolution Diffusion-Weighted Imaging to Evaluate Breast Tumor-Stromal Boundary in Patients Receiving Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Rebekah L. McLaughlin
, UC San Francisco

Translation to Human-Size Magnetic Particle Imaging Systems: Safety Limits
Emine U. Saritas,
UC Berkeley

Signal Correction Strategies for High Spatial Resolution Small-Animal PET Detector Designs
Jeffrey Schmall, UC Davis 

Optofluidic Microscopy and Tomography on a Chip
Serhan O. Isikman, UC Los Angeles

Genetically Encoded MRI reporters with picomolar molecular sensitivity                
Shapiro MG
, UC Berkeley

PEGylated ICG-loaded Nanocapsules Functionalized with anti-HER2 for Targeted Imaging of Ovarian Cancer
Baharak Bahmani,
UC Riverside

 Molecular, Cell and Tissue Engineering

Featured Speaker:

Healing the Heart with Injectable Biomaterials
Karen Christman
Assistant Professor, Department of Bioengineering, UC San Diego

Selected Speakers:

Inflammatory Monocyte Activation and Adhesion in Coronary Artery Disease
Greg A. Foster,
UC Davis

Cardiomyocyte Conduction Slowing with Stretch
Emily Pfeiffer,
UC San Diego

Microenvironmental influence on gradient sensing in neural cell cultures
Anja Kunze
, UC Los Angeles

A Novel Strategy of Quantitative FRET Analysis for Kinetics and Thermodynamics Parameter Determinations of SUMO Conjugation Cascade
Jiayu Liao, UC Riverside

N-cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion promotes cell migration in a three dimensional matrix
Wenting Shih,
UC Davis

Tissue engineering bone by recapitulating developmental and repair programs offers improved biological outcomes.
Chelsea Bahney,
UC San Francisco