Poster Session 1

Poster Session 1 Abstracts

BioMEMS / Instrumentation

Highspeed solution exchange in an artificial bilayer system for high-throughput screening of drugs targeting ion channels
Shiv Acharya,
UC Los Angeles

Programming Fluid Flow in Microchannels Using Microstructure
Hamed Amini
, UC Los Angeles

Brain Injury Screening Diagnostics for Emergency Medicine: Quantitation of Cerebrospinal Fluid Specific Proteins in Human Nasal Discharge
Akwasi A. Apori,
UC Berkeley

Custom Electrokinetic Patterning of Proteins in Microfluidic Gels and Applications in Confirmatory Immunoassays
Muhammet Kursad Araz,
UC Berkeley

Electrostatic immobilization of SDS coated proteins for advanced microfluidic western blotting
Minsub Chung,
UC Berkeley

A fully integrated microfluidic device for tumor tissue dissociation into single cells
Janice De Jesus,
UC Irvine

High‐throughput, Ultrafast Solution Exchange Around Cells and Particles via Inertial Microfluidics
Jaideep S. Dudani,
UC Los Angeles

From Bench to Bedside: Realizing On-Chip Electrophoretic Immunoassays for Protein Biomarkers Using a Standard 9V Battery
Todd A. Duncombe,
UC Berkeley

Electrochemical Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide Release from Alcohol‐Injured Hepatocytes
James Enomoto,
UC Davis

Isolation of Rare Circulating Tumor Cells From Blood Using Microscale Fluid Vortices
Derek E. Go,
UC Los Angeles

A Point-of-care Microfluidic Magnetic Particle Flow Cytometer
Igor Izyumin,
UC Berkeley

Kinetic Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis: Microfluidic Binding Assay Enables Measurements of Kinetic Rates                
Monica A. Kapil,
UC Berkeley

Cationic Detergent Microfluidic Western blotting integrated with Electrostatic Protein blotting
Dohyun Kim,
UC Berkeley

Low Cost MR Compatible Neural Prosthesis
Sung June Kim,
UC Berkeley

High-density Thermo-compression-bonded flex-cables for Neural Nanoprobes
Peter Ledochowitsch,
UC Berkeley

Shrink-Induced Superhydrophobic and Hydrophilic Microfluidic Devices
Jolie McLane,
UC Irvine

A Micro-Drive Hearing Aid: A Non-Invasive Hearing Prosthesis
Peyton Paulick,
UC Irvine

High Surface Area Electrodes for Easy Integration into Polymer Microfluidics
Jonathan Pegan,
UC Irvine

Digital Readout Platform for Water-in-oil Droplet Immunoassays Running on a Cell-Phone for Point of Care Viral Load Sensing
Patrick A. Sandoz,
UC Los Angeles

Infrared Neural Stimulation via a Highly General Capacitive Mechanism
Mikhail Shapiro, UC Berkeley

Fluorescence Enhancement with Gold Nanostructures Generated on a Thermoplastic
Himanshu Sharma,
UC Irvine

Rapid Microfluidic Western Blotting of Multiple Native Analytes
Samuel Tia,
UC Berkeley



Ultrasensitive Detection of Tuberculosis and Fungi Pathogens in Clinical Samples Using Modified Commercial ELISA with 4 Orders Higher Sensitivity
Abhinav P Acharya,
UC Berkeley

Detection of Radiation Therapy Induced Cerebral Microbleeds in Gliomas: Does High Field Mean High Yield?
Wei Bian,
UC San Francisco

Characterizing anatomical variability in breast images: NPS slope “beta” comparisons between breast CT, Tomosynthesis, and Mammography
Lin Chen,
UC Davis

Integration of Lensfree On-Chip Fluorescent Imaging with Lens-based Microscopy toward High- throughput Rare-cell Analysis
Ahmet F. Coskun,
UC Los Angeles

Relaxation Effects in Magnetic Particle Imaging
Laura R. Croft,
UC Berkeley

Detection of Seizure Progression in vivo with Optical Coherence Tomography
Melissa M. Eberle,
UC Riverside

Non-destructive evaluation of bioengineered tissue using time resolved fluorescence measurements, high frequency ultrasound and acoustic radiation force impulse imaging.
Hussain Fatakdawala,
UC Davis

Giga-Pixel Lensfree Computational Microscopy On a Chip
Alon Greenbaum,
UC Los Angeles

A Novel Functional MRI Method for Examining Modulations of Brain Blood Flow and Oxygen Metabolism in Humans
Valerie E. M. Griffeth,
UC San Diego

Development of a registered optical coherence tomography and fluorescence microscopy system for studying structural and functional changes in nerves during activity.
Md. Rezuanul Haque,
UC Riverside

Fluorescence Lifetime Spectroscopy and Imaging Studies of Xenograftic Glioma Metabolic States
Brad Hartl, UC Davis

Optical coherence tomography for non-invasive structural analysis of nerves and recording of neural activity
M. Shahidul Islam,
UC Riverside

Magnetic Resonance of 2-Hydroxyglutarate (2HG) in IDH1-mutant Low-grade Gliomas
Llewellyn Jalbert, 
UC San Francisco

Experimental 3D X-Space Magnetic Particle Imaging Using Filtered Backprojection
Justin Konkle,
UC Berkeley

Noninvasive In-vivo Assessment of Vascular Remodeling in a Subcutaneous site following Xenogeneic Islet Transplantation
Rahul Krishnan,
UC Irvine

Quantitative Biomarkers of Cancer From Metabolic Activity Decomposition using Stimulated—Echoes and Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 MR
Christine M Leon, UC San Francisco

Linearity and Shift-Invariance in Magnetic Particle Imaging, A New Medical Imaging Technique
Kuan Lu,
UC Berkeley

High Resolution Optical Molecular Imaging of Changes in Choline Metabolism in Oral Neoplasia
Zhen Luo, UC Davis

Optical Molecular Imaging Approach for Rapid Assessment of Response of Individual Cancer Cells to Chemotherapy
Zhen Luo, UC Davis

Automated Simultaneous Time- and Wavelength-Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy For Diagnosis of Atherosclerosis
Dinglong Ma,
UC Davis

Bio-physical interaction of Mytilus californianus adhesive plaques on thin films
Nadine R. Martinez-Rodriguez,
UC Santa Barbara

Quantitative method for standardization of contrast-enhanced head computed tomography protocols
Sarah E. McKenney,
UC Davis

Cell-phone based Rapid-Diagnostic-Test Reader Platform for Spatio-temporal Mapping of  Diseases
Onur Mudanyali,
UC Los Angeles

Maltodextrin based imaging probes detect bacteria in vivo with high sensitivity and specificity
Xinghai Ning, UC Berkeley

Effect of angular acquisition on the slice sensitivity profile (SSP) in tomographic breast imaging
Anita Nosratieh
, UC Davis

Parallelized algorithms for high-speed multi-functional optical coherence tomography imaging
Michael Olveira
, UC Riverside

PET/MRI evaluation of 2-18F-fluoroacetate as a PET tracer of glial metabolism
Yu Ouyang,
UC Davis

In Vivo Identification of Brain Structures Using Optical Coherence Tomography
Carissa L. Reynolds,
UC Riverside

High-throughput Color Imaging on a Chip Using Sparse Signal Recovery
Ikbal Sencan,
UC Los Angeles

Interaction of myoglobin with fatty acid
Lifan Shih
, UC Davis

High-Power Active Interference Suppression in Magnetic Particle Imaging
Bo Zheng,
UC Berkeley


Synthetic Biology / Systems Biology / Computational Biology / Genomics

Design of a Novel Parallel Flow Device to Decouple Mass Transfer and Mechanotransduction at the Endothelium
Heran C Bhakta,
UC Riverside

Analysis and Validation of a Multi-Scale Cerebral Blood Flow Model
Mark J Connolly,
UC Los Angeles

Hot-Wired E. coli: Expression of a Complete Electron Transfer Pathway
Matthew Hepler,
UC Berkeley

A Thyroid Hormone Dynamics Simulator for Optimizing Treatment of Congenital Hypothyroidism (CH) in Newborn Babies
King Chung Ho,
UC Los Angeles

A New Architecture for Patterning Gene Expression Using Zinc Finger Proteins and Small RNAs
Justin Hsia,
UC Berkeley

Chemogenomic profiling of Zymomonas mobilis in plant hydrolysates leads to identification of tolerance genes and an engineered strain with improved ethanol production
Dacia Leon, UC Berkeley

Lignocellulosic biomass to polyester conversion in Haloarchaea
Michael O. Starr,
UC Davis