Expanding Your Horizon (EYH) Conference 1-day volunteer

The EYH conference (4/12/25) serves to introduce 5th through 8th grade girls* to career opportunities in mathematics, science, engineering, computer science, and technology. This year, we will be inviting more than 400 youth from the East Bay community to explore math and science by participating in diverse workshops and interacting with undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral volunteers.
It’s a great opportunity to enjoy interacting with young-age students and motivating their passion for science! While the conference is geared toward girls* in STEM, we welcome volunteers of all identities. We welcome all undergrads, grad students and postdocs from your organization to volunteer on the conference day.
Volunteers can sign up through the google form, in which more information is included (recruitment open till April 11th, but signing up before March is highly recommended). 
More detailed information about the EYH can be found on our website: