DNA Sequencing Facility on campus

The UC Berkeley DNA Sequencing Facility on 3rd Floor Barker Hall has been supporting scientists — including undergraduate researchers — for over 30 years!  Though short-read Sanger DNA sequencing (~1000bp) is inexpensive and remains commonly taught in lab courses and utilized by research scientists every day, the Facility also provides daily full-plasmid Nanopore sequencing, plasmid preparations, cell line authentication, PCR…

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Jacobs Institute’s Design Field Notes lecture series

Jacobs Institute’s Design Field Notes lecture series, Wednesdays, 10 a.m., Zoom. This series invites a dynamic group of designers, artists and academics in design-related fields to share their work and practice with students and the general public. Feb. 12: John Bertolaso, co-founder and CTO, Materra Feb. 19: Corinne Okada Takara, artist and STEAM education specialist, Okada Design/Nest Makerspace Feb. 26: Baillie…

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American Lung Cancer Screening Initiative recruitment

The American Lung Cancer Screening Initiative (ALCSI) is a non-profit organization consisting of doctors, medical students, and undergraduate students working together to raise awareness for lung cancer & lung cancer screening. We are the UC Berkeley chapter of this national organization and our club mainly focuses on community outreach projects.  This year, we are excited to launch our Plus…

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InnovationRx DeCal

If you’re looking for an interesting, engaging, and low-stress DeCal this semester, enroll in InnovationRx (1 unit, Wed 5-6pm)!  We will explore currently existing unmet clinical needs—what that means and what they look like—and innovative methods to resolve them. No prior knowledge is necessary! The goal is to fuel creative thinking and explore novel solutions for currently existing problems…

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National Student Leadership Conference (NSLC) summer jobs

The NSLC is running pre-college summer programs for high school students in Aerospace, Biotechnology, and Engineering, which are facilitated by current and recently graduated college students. We are looking to hire several undergraduate students and recent grads to serve as Team Advisors (TA) and Assistant Team Advisors (ATA) for our Engineering, Biotechnology, & Aerospace programs…

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Careers in Biotech Panel 2/25

BioE has helped CES put together a ZOOM panel and Q&A.  Our alumni and industry panelists will provide guidance on how to break into the field. There’s some great BioE alumni willing to chat with you! RSVP on Handshake Careers in Biotech Panel Tuesday, February 25 | 5 – 6pm | Virtual

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Professional Headshots 2/11

Tuesday, February 11, Noon-4 p.m., Sutardja Dai Hall Patio (3rd Floor) RSVP Let us help you spruce up your photo to ensure that your profiles make a great impression! Photos are taken by the College’s professional photographer, and you’ll be able to borrow a shirt, tie, or jacket if you want to dress up the…

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LA Fires accommodations

We sympathize with our students affected by the fires in Los Angeles. If you feel you need to reduce your course load in Sp25 due to you and your loved ones being affected by the fire, please reach out to your ESS Adviser to discuss this. More resources are available at the Supportal.

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