2011 Embryo Delivery Device
Embryo Delivery Device for Greater In Vitro Fertilization Success
Team Members: Wanging Du, Vincent Liu, Pamela Tiet, Hanson Zhao
Capstone Client: Paolo Rinaudo, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor & Practicing Clinician at UCSF School of Medicine
Purpose/Goal: In vitro fertilization (IVF) involves fertilization of a human embryo outside the body in an artificial environment. The typical success rate for IVF ranges widely – from 10% to 60% — depending on the female’s age, clinic, and physician. Procedures can cost several thousand dollars. To address the IVF success rate variability, the Capstone team developed a hand-held device to enable high accuracy and precision delivery of an embryo to specific locations in the uterus, as is needed in IVF.