2022 Bioengineering Alumni panel and party
All bioengineering and translational medicine alumni are invited to our first post-pandemic alumni party – and it’s our anniversary!
Friday, November 4
3:30 – 6:30 PM
Stanley Hall, UC Berkeley
“Bioengineering a Sustainable Future”
Please join us for an engaging panel and discussion on how the field of bioengineering plays a leading role in environmental sustainability.
David Breslauer, PhD 2010, Bolt Threads
Chris Eiben, PhD 2019, Perlumi
Jennifer Hu, PhD 2021, Upside Foods
Joshua Nixon, BS 2016, Prime Roots
Eric Steen, PhD 2010, Lygos
Then enjoy a reception and socializing, celebrating 25 years since the founding of the Department of Bioengineering.
What a great reason to leave work early on a Friday!!
What a great reason to leave work early on a Friday!!
Continuing our tradition of collectible professor magnets, the next in the series is… Dan Fletcher! Be sure to attend to grab yours, vote for next year’s magnetized mentor, and collect some other cool swag.
For the first time we are suggesting that event attendees make a donation to the department to offset the cost of the event and support our efforts in diversity, equity and inclusion in bioengineering. We suggest $50 per person, but understand that not everyone is in a position to give right now. All are welcome at the event. Donate online to the Friends of Bioengineering.
We look forward to seeing you on November 4!