Bioengineering Students Win Bechtel Achievement Awards
May 16, 2008
Wow! Our very own Widya Mulyasasmita and Tim Fei were awarded the two highest honors given to engineering undergraduates! Widya won the 2008 Bechtel Achievement Award, which is given to a senior with outstanding scholastic achievement and service to the College, campus and community.
The Bechtel Achievement Award is a $500 merit-based award given to a graduating senior at the May commencement ceremony, and the highest honor awarded by the College to a graduating senior. Widya’s name will be added to the permanent display in Bechtel’s Garbarini Lounge.
Tim was given the Bechtel Engineering Scholarship, awarded to a sophomore or junior for scholastic performance, student leadership and potential for success in an engineering career. The Bechtel Engineering Scholarship is a $1,000 merit scholarship.
Congrats Widya and Tim, we’re so proud!
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