Former BioE postdoc Nilsson named to TR35
August 22, 2013 –
Dr. Lina Nilsson, former bioengineering postdoc in Professor Dan Fletcher’s lab, has been named one of this year’s 35 Innovators Under 35 by the MIT Technology Review.
Many researchers around the world have passion, intelligence and bright students, but do not have the funds to purchase expensive lab equipment. Nilsson tackled this problem by founding Tekla Labs, an engineering collective at UC Berkeley where they collect and distribute open-source, do-it-yourself designs for common laboratory gear.
“Great ideas are everywhere, but opportunity is not,” she says. “My goal is to enable people to collaborate to solve global challenges.”
Nilsson is now Innovation Director of the Blum Center for Developing Economies at UC Berkeley, where she devises programs that bring together NGOs, scientists, engineers, and local organizations worldwide.
Read more at the MIT Technology Review.
Congratulations Lina!