November 18, 2005
A review article by bioengineering Associate Professor Luke Lee was featured on the cover of the journal Science today. The featured image is of an artificial compound eye created in Lee’s lab at UC Berkeley, inspired by compound eyes found in nature and microfabricated in three dimensions in polymer resin.
The article, “Inspirations from Biological Optics for Advanced Photonic Systems” by Luke P. Lee and Robert Szema, explains the current state of the art in artificial optical systems inspired by eyes in nature. Lee is a world leader in polymer-based microscale devices, especially Biomolecular Polymer-Opto-Electro-Microfluidic-Systems, and has designed several innovative biologically-inspired optical systems.
The research was also featured on MS-NBC on November 18.
Read the article in Science, or find out more about his research at the BioPOETS Lab.