September 2005
Senior ME major Allison Deppe spent the summer doing research with bioengineering professor Mohammad Mofrad through the Berkeley Summer Bioengineering Research Program. Now she’s off to the 2005 Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) fall meeting to present the results of her research.
Allison’s work with Dr. Mofrad, entitled “Finite Element Analysis of a Patient-specific Cerebral Aneurysm”, involved computer modelling of a cerebral aneurysm from magnetic resonancing imaging collected at UCSF. Deppe and Mofrad hope their simulation work will eventually help doctors predict whether a patient’s aneurysm is likely to burst, potentially saving lives.
Deppe will present her research at a special “Highlights of Undergraduate Bioengineering Research” session on Friday, September 30, at the BMES conference in Baltimore. This session is quite selective, with many applicants.The summer research was performed as part of the Berkeley Summer Bioengineering Research Program, and sponsored by the Guidant Foundation.Congratulations Allison!