Ten years of immersive biodesign training

2014 life flight

The Summer Biodesign Immersion Experience (BIE) has been a unique 8-week summer program for UC Berkeley juniors and seniors that prepares bioengineers to bridge engineering innovation and unmet clinical needs. After ten summers of incredible experiences, the BIE has had it’s last cohort and will sunset in 2021.

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Creativity still shines through remote learning

photo of prototype parts awaiting pickup

Despite physical separation, our students and faculty are finding new ways to pursue collaboration, team projects, and hands-on education. Our BioE 192 Senior Capstone Design course is one of the innovative efforts featured for their ability to pivot to remote learning.

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Bioe undergrads take first place at Stanford Longevity Design Challenge

longevity team photo

Undergraduate Fung Fellows Lillian Tran, Ismail Azam, Ashna Mangla, Rani Cochran, Inaara Charolia across four majors (Bioengineering, Cognitive Science, Public Health & Sociology), took first place at the Stanford Center on Longevity Design Challenge. They pitched their intergenerational card game called “So You Think You Know Your Grandma?” to reach the finals, they competed with 97 teams representing 59 universities in 24 countries.

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Capstone team takes second in Big Ideas

surgecare team

The senior capstone team “SurgeCare”, of Jovanny Guillen, Tatiana Jansen and Irene Kim, took 2nd place in the 2018 Big Ideas contest, Global Health category! SurgeCare is a locally sourced device capable of effectively cleaning surgical instruments using recycled, pressurized water, without the use of electricity, with the potential to decrease the high rate of surgical site infections in low resource settings like Ethiopia.

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