Biomedical Imaging Sample Schedule

Frosh Year
Fall Units Spring Units
Math 1A 4 Math 1B 4
BioEng 10 4 Physics 7A 4
Chem 1A 4 Engineering 7 or CompSci 61A 4
BioEng 26 1 BioEng 25 1
Reading & Composition Part A Course 4 Reading & Composition Part B Course 4
Semester Units 17 Semester Units 17
Sophomore Year
Fall Units Spring Units
Math 53 4 Math 54 4
Physics 7B 4 BioEng 11  3
Chem 3A & 3AL 5 Engin 26 2
Humanities / Social Science Course 3-4 Humanities / Social Science Course  3-4
Semester Units 16-17 Semester Units  12-13
Junior Year
Fall Units Spring Units
Stat 134 or IEOR 172 4 BioEng 101 4
Technical Topics Course: BioEng 114, NucE 162, EE 117, EE118, or E 120 recommended 4 Technical Topics Course: BioEng 114, NucE 162, EE 117, EE118, or E 120 recommended  4
BioEng 105* 4 Humanities / Social Science Course  3-4
BioEng 100 (or course with ethics content) 3 BioEng 110  4
Semester Units 15 Semester Units  15-16
Senior Year
BioE Lab Course: BioEng 168L recommended 4
BioE Design Project or Research 4
BioEng C165 4
BioEng 265 with instructor consent 4
Technical Topics Course: BioEng 114, NucE 162, EE 117, EE118, or E 120 recommended 4
Elective 4
Year Units 24
Total Units 116-119