summer campus jobs with GLOBE

The GLOBE Center at the College of Engineering is hiring student workers for the summer. We have both residential/overnight and commuter/daytime positions available. Please help us share with your student networks. 
Resident Assistant and Mentor for the Berkeley Engineering Youth Academy (BEYA), a 3-week international high school residential program focused on robotics, 3D, and design. Responsibilities include chaperoning a group of high school students between classes, developing afternoon activities, and overseeing participants during evening/weekend hours. Compensation package includes room & board, plus a stipend.
Daytime Chaperone for the Berkeley Summer Academy of Sustainability (BSAS), a 2-week high school commuter program focused on sustainability in Materials Science and Engineering. Responsibilities include chaperoning high school students between classes, assisting with labs (as needed), and checking participants in/out of the program. Hourly pay offered.