Herr’s research on cover of Lab on a Chip

August 2008

Work by Bioengineering Assistant Professor Amy Herr and collaborators at Yale and Sandia National Laborator was on the cover of Lab on a Chip journal in August 2008.

Lab on a ChipIn “Photopolymerized diffusion-defined polyacrylamide gradient gels foron-chip protein sizing,” Herr and co-authors described their new diffusion-based fabrication method for chip-sized microfluidic devices that are able to reliable sort proteins by size using linear and non-linear gradient gels. This method offers several improvements over current protein sizing methods, and allows an assay to be optimized for protein samples of interest—especially complex samples. Potential applications include high throughput bioanalytical instrumentations designed for portable use, such as point-of-care diagnostics for in-field medical sampling.

Herr, one of our newest faculty members, is a leader in the field of on-chip microfluidic diagnostics.