Mofrad publishes new BioE Text

December 2009

Bioengineering Assistant Professor Mohammad Mofrad has published his second Bioengineering text: Cellular Mechanotransduction: Diverse Perspectives from Molecules to Tissues.
Mofrad's bookEdited by Mofrad and co-authored with Professor Roger Kamm of MIT, the book examines the initiating process by which cells convert applied force into a biochemical signal, which is poorly understood and only recently have researchers begun to unravel some of these fundamental mechanisms. Several theories have been proposed that might explain the process of mechanotransduction, but most are still in their infancy.  Various potential mechanisms have been proposed to explain this phenomenon but none have been thoroughly examined and tested. The objective of the book “Cellular Mechanotransduction: Diverse Perspectives from Molecules to Tissues” is to bring together and contrast various viewpoints to cellular mechanotransduction.

Read more at Cambridge Press.

Congratulations Mohammad!