Synthetic Biology Institute launches
April 25, 2011
An alliance of top researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, has formed the UC Berkeley Synthetic Biology Institute (SBI), advancing efforts to engineer cells and biological systems in ways that promise to transform technology in health and medicine, energy, the environment, new materials, and a host of other critical arenas.
The new institute – aiming to create an industrial revolution in biological engineering’ – is launching a collaborative effort with its first Industry Member, Agilent Technologies Inc., a leader in measurement technologies and products to advance science and engineering research. Agilent is helping to initiate SBI research with a multi-year, multi-million dollar commitment, including early access to Agilent technologies through the active participation of the company’s research scientists and engineers.
The Institute will launch on the evening of April 25 with a forum on “Synthetic Biology: Engineering Biological Solutions”, including panelists: Paul Berg, Nobel Laureate, Cahill Professor Emeritus, Biochemistry, Stanford University; Douglas Cameron, Founder and Managing Director, Alberti Advisors; Jay Keasling, Howe Distinguished Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, UC Berkeley; Darlene Solomon, CTO, Agilent Technologies, Inc.; and Matthew Tirrell, Silverman Professor and Chair, Bioengineering, UC Berkeley.
Read more at the Synthetic Biology Institute.