Teresa Head-Gordon

Head and shoulders photo of Teresa Head-Gordon

Chancellor’s Professor, Department of Chemistry; Professor, Departments of Bioengineering, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

Office Address: 274C Stanley Hall

Email: thg@berkeley.edu

For more information, see: https://thglab.berkeley.edu/

Office hours: 274C Stanley Hall

Research areas:

The simultaneous revolutions in energy, molecular biology, nanotechnology and advanced scientific computing, is giving rise to new interdisciplinary research opportunities in computational science. The Head-Gordon lab embraces this large scope of science drivers through development of computational models and methodologies applied to molecular liquids, macromolecular assemblies, protein biophysics, and homogeneous, heterogeneous catalysis and biocatalysis. The development and application of complex chemistry models, accelerated sampling methods, coarse graining/multiscale techniques, and machine learning developed in her lab are widely disseminated through many community software codes that scale on high performance computing platforms.