Adam Arkin

Dean A. Richard Newton Memorial Professor, Bioengineering; Senior Faculty Scientist, Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Director, Center for the Utilization of Bioengineering in Space; CEO/CSO, DOE Systems Biology Knowledgebase PI and Co-Director, ENIGMA SFA
Office Address: 512C IGI Building
For more information, see:
Office hours: Tues, 10:00 - 11:00 AM in 310 HMMB, or email for an appointment
Research areas:
Computational Biology, Systems and Synthetic Biology
The Arkin Lab focus is how microbes transform, clean, and improve soils, soils that are currently degrading due to climate change, pollution, and poor water use. Near close-loops, low-energy, low-input biomanufacturing programs for food, pharmaceuticals, and building materials at “small village” scale, which are initially designed for a deep-space crewed Mars mission but have applications here on Earth for supporting sustainable agriculture. Another interest is to develop engineering approaches for microbiomes so we can control communities of microbes that drive the earth’s mineral cycles, support our plants and efficiency and stress responses, and impact the health and food-efficiency of a good many living creatures including ourselves.