December 16, 2011- Berkeley Bioengineering Professor Luke Lee has been selected to receive a Point-of-Care Diagnostics grant through Grand Challenges in Global Health, an initiative created by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Researchers engineer E.Coli to eat switchgrass and make fuel
November 29, 2011 – Research by Bioengineering and Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Professor Jay Keasling is taking synthetic biology another step closer to full-scale production of biofuels.
New CellScope video
November 8, 2011 The California Academy of Sciences has posted a new video about the CellScope – Fletcher lab’s mobile, cellphone-based microscopy platform. Check it out!
Apori wins Widmer Award at MicroTAS!
October 7, 2011 – Bioengineering Ph.D. student Akwasi Apori won the Lab on a Chip Widmer Poster Award at the 2011 International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS).
Conboy reprograms muscles to combat degeneration
September 22, 2011 Berkeley Bioengineering Assistant Professor Irina Conboy has achieved a breakthrough in regenerative medicine, reprogramming muscles to form new muscle cells.
Herr analyzes tears for diagnosis
September 19, 2011 Bioengineering Assistant Professor Amy Herr, along with graduate student Kelly Karns, has developed a microfluidic assay which can test tears for proteins that signal disease.
CellScope hits the big time
June 21, 2011 The CellScope, a portable cellphone-based microphone from Berkeley BioE Professor Dan Fletcher’s class and laboratory, has been making more big news lately. Most recently the CellScope has been featured in the Sunday San Francisco Chronicle.
Li Lab awarded CIRM grant
May 4, 2011 UC Berkeley Bioengineering Associate Professor Song Li was one of nineteen University of California scientists receiving grants from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine for stem cell research.
Synthetic Biology Institute launches
April 25, 2011 An alliance of top researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, has formed the UC Berkeley Synthetic Biology Institute (SBI), advancing efforts to engineer cells and biological systems in ways that promise to transform technology in health and medicine, energy, the environment, new materials, and a host of other critical arenas.